The Liberal Party is a political party in New Zealand which promotes social liberalism. It was founded on 10 March 2008[1]
The party is an attempt to revive the old New Zealand Liberal Party. It aims to be a broad progressive party which appeals to middle New Zealand. Initial policies include a written constitution[2], improved public healthcare, and universal pre-school education[3].
The party is currently led by Jonathan Lee, a former public servant and policy advisor to Bill Birch[4]. It applied to register a party logo with the Electoral Commission on 13 March 2008[5]. This application was accepted on 2 April 2008[6] On 24 April 2008 the party applied for broadcasting funding[7]; according to their initial submission the party has incorporated and is seeking candidates and a patron to publicly endorse the party[8].
The party was not registered for the 2008 General Election, and did not stand any candidates. As of May 2010, its website is defunct.